O alta chestie hazlie este faptul ca virusul e relativ destept, este dintre cei care pot sa faca o conversatie simplista (desi nici asta nu e nou).
Pentru cei care nu stiu: nu dati click aiurea pe linkuri in mess daca nu l-ati cerut si nu sunteti FOARTE siguri ca e pe bune.
Pentru ceilalti, delectati-va cu "discutia" intre virus si o persoana:
[Spammer]: hey u around?
[Me]: Sorry, no.
[Spammer]: did you hear about Steve Jobs?
[Me]: Yep.
[Spammer]: Yeah supposedly apple is giving away 5000 macbooks today in honor of him.
[Me]: Really? Why 5000?
[Spammer]: I just signed up for mine here: h**p://yah**link1.com/?id=af164cdb9281c72c&s=1&user=********** and there are only 945 remaining.
[Me]: Not likely. Spam. Thanks for trying, though. I guess that counts as something..
[Spammer]: ?
[Spammer]: no?
[Me]: No? No what?
[Spammer]: Let me know if you get one too
[Me]: I won't get one. Sorry.
[Me]: Who is this?
[Spammer]: ohhh sorry. my name is catherine, i think we once talked a couple of months ago :P
[Me]: Strange that you would pop up and try to talk to me all of a sudden.
[Me]: And that your "name" doesn't even match the IM name of the person that actually has this email.
[Me]: Stop trying to pose as other people to lure their friends into spam, okay?? It's annoying. And it's wrong. Leave me alone.
[Spammer]: no problem! BYE!
(sursa: thoughts.com)
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